A Peace of Abraham
Major prophecy pieces came together in the last few days with two significant events with the Abraham Accord.
What is the significance of the Israeli-UAE deal? The answer might surprise you. Who wins? Who loses? What is the prophetic significance of the surprise announcement about Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) this past week?
The Abraham Accord
Trump’s ‘deal of the century’ took a surprising and very prophetic turn this week with the announcement of a peace treaty between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This is a big deal. Huge, in fact! This peace deal is being touted as the one that will make peace throughout the Arab world. For a while, it may appear to do exactly that but this peace deal will have far greater implications for future global war, a war the Bible says will end in Armageddon. This peace deal has just set up the world for the fulfillment of the rise of Mystery Babylon and the world viewing the Antichrist as the messiah, Jerusalem’s coming destruction at the halfway mark of the 7-year tribulation, the dispersion of Jews out of Israel, Islam bursting forth in global war against infidels and ending in bloody Armageddon.
Why? How can this one event be a precursor to all of that? Because it is further evidence of the widening split between Sunnis and Shi’ites that will lead to global Islamic war. The UAE is leading the Sunni Arab nations into an alliance with Israel, the King of the South, that Iran, the King of the North, will destroy.
The King of the North has two groups of people as enemies. One enemy is almost 1400 years old – that’s the Sunnis. Iran is the remnant of Edom through Esau’s grandson, Amalek, and leader of the Shi’ite Islamic sect. This sect has spent almost 1400 years – 1388 years to be exact – trying to gain the Islamic succession from Mohammed. I have explained the details of this many times in The Jerusalem Report. Sunnis and Shi’ites dislike each other intensely.
The Abraham Accord formalizes relations between Iran’s two enemies – Israel and the Sunni nation, the UAE, with possibly more to follow. The Middle East just lined itself up for a huge north-south war with Iran’s 4+2 coalition against Israel’s southern middle east coalition. For both Israel and the Sunni nations, this Accord is not one of making peace or desiring friendship, but one that justifies the old axiom “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”.
The UAE lies just across the Persian Gulf from Iran and views Iran as its enemy. This Accord provides for Israeli military defense with the major enemy in mind – Iran. Israel Hayom sums it up this way: The willingness of the Persian Gulf states to establish ties with Israel conveys the strength and reliability of the Jewish state in the eyes of the Arab nations. This is a dramatic regional achievement.
After Iran’s 4+2 coalition King of the North invasion, nations like the UAE, Oman and Bahrain who are considering joining the Abraham Accord will then lie east of Iran’s newly conquered territory, the entirety of the southern Middle East. In fact, Oman called both the Israeli and Palestinian governments to talk about getting in on the history making. Oman backed the Abraham Accord, brokered by the US, saying the decision will “contribute to fulfilling comprehensive, fair and durable peace in the Middle East.”
This breakthrough, with Egypt’s blessing and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s heartwarming rage, establishes the strategic axis of Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Bahrain and Oman – and in other ways also Greece and Cyprus – against the radical regimes of Iran and Turkey.
This Israeli-Sunni alliance could push Turkey closer to Iran and Russia until the day comes when the Shi’ite nations establish Daniel’s 11th little horn, the coming Shi’ite Caliphate. That won’t sit well with the eastern Sunni nations whose ally, Israel, will have been destroyed by Iran. The eastern Sunni nations – eastern from Iran’s newly conquered territory – will reach out to Turkey immediately for defense support. Israel will be gone and Iran will now be an existential and immanent threat to those Sunni nations. Turkey’s response to its old Sunni allies will inflame Iran’s messiah, the Shi’ite Mahdi Antichrist, and Iran’s 4+2 coalition will go global in war through Iran’s allies, Russia and China who are chomping at the bit to get to America and her allies.
Morocco and Sudan have also expressed interest in the treaty. The King of the North will invade their territories in North Africa, too. These are also part of what Daniel 11:40-45 calls “the countries”. Countries that did not exist in Daniel’s time.
The name of this new treaty is particularly telling. Abraham Accord. It may be this peace treaty that the Jewish Antichrist will confirm or strengthen when he takes office.
Dan 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week…
The “many” are the southern Middle East’s and North Africa’s Sunni nations which are called “the countries” in Daniel chapter 11:40-45.
This peace treaty will be the umbrella under which the Jews will see clear their way to confirm or strengthen and enforce Judaism through Jewish law known as the Talmud.
This situation will likely go straight to Judah’s, Israel’s, head, as it were. In fact, this deal probably symbolizes the crown on the Revelation 6:2 rider. Let’s take a look.
Rev 6:2 And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.
The white horse represents a pseudo-religious purity, a religious idea of purity. White war horses symbolize a “religiously pure conqueror”. This horse and rider are against YHVH and His people because YHVH’s people wear white garments to symbolize their purity, garments made possible to be white through washing them in the blood of the Lamb. War and purity are nowhere found together in scripture.
Now notice that this rider wears the crown of a king that was given to him. The crown was given to him by YHVH for the purpose of bringing an end to the world’s wickedness. YHVH has always used the nations to do His bidding in dealing with His people. The UAE and other nations signing onto the Abraham Accord are doing so at YHVH’s behest. Neither the Jews nor the Sunnis see the coming trouble – the tribulation – that will come of this. Rather, they are saying “peace, peace”.
This rider is the counterfeit messiah. He is the Jewish Antichrist. How do I know? It’s the crown. He wears only one; the one that YHVH gave to him. Yeshua, however, wears many crowns (Revelation 19:12). This one crown is now on the head of the rider of the horse. He just hasn’t mounted the horse yet.
This one crown can now be identified through the name of the peace treaty “Abraham Accord”. The name appeals to Sunnis, Jews and Christians and for the Shi’ites indicates that the Sunnis, Jews and Christians are the only children of Abraham which leaves out the Shi’ite connection to Abraham. You can see how this name will cause a problem for the Shi’ites and the Shi’ites will fight back! Esau knows he is related to Abraham and believes he is the rightful heir to the Promised Land!
Notice that the rider’s bow as no arrows. The bow without arrows symbolizes political victory. This rider is taking over the earth using politics and ideologies – Communist ideologies, to be exact! That is exactly what the US and Israel, the 2nd beast of Revelation 13, are doing. Together, they are politicking Israel into global supremacy.
This rider goes forth “conquering” and “to conquer”. This is similar language to the King of the North who goes out “conquering” and “utterly to make away many”. Each Antichrist, the Jewish one first and the Shi’ite one second, has the same agenda to conquer and subdue the entire earth under their religion. And I just said earlier that, for the Jews, the Abraham Accord is just the umbrella agreement needed to bring Judaism to bear on the earth.
Don’t expect the Antichrist to announce that this treaty will only last 7 years. That number is in the prophecy because it was decreed by YHVH. He has decided, according to Daniel 9:24-26, how many years it will take to clean up His people and punish the nations. Without getting too technical, the 69 weeks of years have passed. Only 1 week of years, or 7 literal years, remain.
The Antichrist will tell the world when he takes office, i.e. confirm or strengthen (the Hebrew word is ‘gabar’, Strong’s H1396), that this is the peace the earth has been waiting for and all the nations must adhere to it. The Jewish Antichrist riding the white religious horse, carrying the political bow without arrows and wearing only the one crown called the Abraham Accord will affirm that he is the king of Israel everyone has been waiting for and that he will now rule during the 1,000 year ‘world to come’ – he and his sons who he will claim are from the line of David. (‘World to come’ is Judaism’s term for the Millennium.)
This horse and rider heralds the first half of the 7-year tribulation, the mechanism by which Yeshua YHVH will not only clean up His people but will remove any claim to His throne that any messiah may think he has whether Jewish or Edomite.
According to a joint statement about the Abraham Accord, Israel and the UAE will exchange embassies and ambassadors, and they plan to “sign bilateral agreements regarding investment, tourism, direct flights, security, telecommunications, technology, energy, healthcare, culture, the environment…and other areas of mutual benefit”.
Already, everyone is giddy that there is now a direct phone line between the UAE and Israel.
Netanyahu has said the UAE deal which is based on strength will yield ‘true peace’ with Palestinians. On Sunday, Netanyahu heralded what he described as a new doctrine of a strong Israel that would seek peace with Arab nations rather than conditioning ties on first ending the conflict with the Palestinians by withdrawing from that territory.
“This historic change will also advance peace with the Arab world and, in the end, peace, true peace, monitored, secure, with the Palestinians as well,” Netanyahu said.
“It is different from those that preceded it in that it is based on two principles ‘Peace for peace,’ and ‘peace through strength’,” Netanyahu said. “Under this doctrine, Israel is not required to withdraw from any territory and together the two countries openly reap the fruits of a full peace: Investments, trade, tourism, health, agriculture, environmental protection and in many other fields, including defense of course,” he said.
Of course. Mutual military support is always included in treaties.
Let me ask you a question? Have you ever heard so many repeats of the word ‘peace’ in any speech by any world leader? Netanyahu spits the word out like pennies from a frog’s mouth!
Revelation 16:13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
Ahhh! Three nations, 3 unclean spirits – The United States, Israel and the UAE.
This is all good for Israel but the Palestinians don’t like it. Read between the lines. Negotiating a peace deal with an Arab nation who has been an ally of the Palestinaisn without having first made peace with the Palestinians is a huge coup for Israel!
“This peace was not achieved because Israel weakened itself by withdrawing to the 1967 lines,” he said. “It was achieved because Israel strengthened itself by cultivating a free economy, and military and technological strength, and by combining these two strengths to achieve unprecedented international influence.”
They are climbing the political ladder, folks!
The new doctrine, he said, is “in complete contradiction to the perception, until a few days ago, that no Arab country will agree to make formal and open peace with Israel before an end is achieved for the conflict with the Palestinians.”
The end of the conflict with the Palestinians will be the Gog-Magog war.
“In effect, this mistaken concept gave the Palestinians a veto over achieving peace between Israel and Arab countries,” he said.
“It is precisely the expansion of reconciliation between Israel and the Arab world that is likely to promote Israeli-Palestinian peace,” Netanyahu said. “I see additional countries joining the circle of peace with us.”
Let’s go to Daniel 9:24 where we find that “reconciliation” is one of the areas YHVH promises to His people will be fulfilled, will be cleaned up. This Abraham Accord is not the reconciliation of YHVH but the Jewish Antichrist’s mimicry of it. And no, I am not saying Netanyahu is the Antichrist. There is another man who will fill this role but it appears that possibly Benjamin Netanyahu is his false prophet! We will only know for sure on the other side of this conflict.
According to Jewish Telegraph Agency, the Palestinians just lost a lot. Not only did they see their enemy sign another diplomatic accord without promising them anything, they also feel “sold out” by a country that was supposed to have their back, in the words of veteran Palestinian diplomat Hanan Ashrawi.
For decades, Arab countries united around the idea that Palestine must be liberated and Israel was not to be tolerated. Decades ago, as Israel continually proved its staying power and made strides toward peace with the Palestinians, Arab states began seeking an accommodation with the Jewish state — as long as the Palestinian issue was solved.
And now, the reason for all this fanfare over peace, over peace and over peace…
Netanyahu said [Israel] has also achieved “an unprecedented international influence” by steadfastly opposing Iranian aggression in the region and its efforts to obtain nuclear weapons.
The “unprecedented international influence” is changing the world because Jerusalem is changing from Jerusalem, YHVH’s holy city, to Mystery Babylon, the global capital of Egyptian mystery religions mixed with Babylon’s imperial (king-worshipping) government. In Mystery Babylon, you will worship like the King in those Egyptian mysteries and you will worship the King of Israel who is also the Antichrist, the one who will kill you for upholding Yeshua as God and rightful King of Israel.
Not everyone is praising the new Accord. The normalization of diplomatic ties between Israel and the United Arab Emirates has variously been described as a “breakthrough” and an important staging moment towards a comprehensive Middle East peace.
These conclusions are, at best, premature, says The Conversation.com.
Normalization of relations between Israel and an important Gulf state is a highly significant development whose fallout is unpredictable. What seems clear is that the UAE initiative will further deepen a regional divide.
In the Middle East, historic shifts rarely take place without unforeseen consequences. Israel’s pledge not to go ahead with the annexation of one-third of the West Bank and the Jordan Valley for the time being will be cold comfort for the Palestinians.
Iran’s Reaction
The UAE has been quick to let Iran know that this agreement is not directed at Iran. Rouhani said the UAE had made a “huge mistake” in reaching an agreement to normalize ties with Israel and called it a betrayal by the Gulf state.
The Abraham Accord provides muscle-flexing by the Trump administration showing Iran that it needs to bow down to the US pressure if it wants relief across the region.
On reason the Abraham Accord came about is because the Gulf countries recognized that Israel was one of the few powers that can challenge Iran, according to Tzachi Hanegbi, a minister in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office.
Furthermore, the Abraham Accord further sets up the Gog-Magog war. Annexation has been “temporarily” taken off the table. Israel’s Jews can’t have peace with their Islamic Sunni neighbors while threatening to take all of Israel for themselves.
But Iran has a piece of the Israel pie through being an ally of the Gazans and the Palestinians. In fact, Iran provides support and munitions to both Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza as part of its Resistance Front forces and also supplies the Palestinians in the West Bank with munitions.
I have said that Iran (Persia in Ezekiel 38:5) will attack Israel by coming into Israel not as an ally of the United States (Gog), but as Gog’s enemy. The King of the North will attack the US and Israel while they are busy fighting with the Palestinians and Gazans at some future point whose weapons have been supplied by Iran.
Israel backing away from annexation of the West Bank provided the inroad to the Abraham Accord but it won’t stop Iran from arming the Gazans and Palestinians to foment an internal war against Israel.
Interestingly, Trump keeps saying annexation is off the table altogether while Netanyahu keeps saying annexation is only temporarily on hold. The annexation issue will continue to resurface through this process and it will be this issue that sparks the Gog-Magog war halfway through the 7-year tribulation.
At this point, we don’t know which side the US will be on – Israel’s or the Palestinians’. If the US is amenable to the coming annexation, Gog (the US) will attack the Palestinians on Israel’s side, as Israel’s ally. If the US tries to stop Israel, there will be war between the US and Israel while Israel tries to oust the Palestinians into Jordan
Abraham Accord In Israel
According to Times of Israel, the news about the Abraham Accord provides a welcome distraction from the coronavirus problems [in Israel]. The UAE-Israel deal has not yet even formally been consummated, but we have already entered the honeymoon period. After endless domestic political deadlocks, and months of a pandemic and a collapsing economy, Israeli media is understandably delighted to be reporting some good news, and the coverage is downright giddy — thanks, in great part, to interviewees in the UAE itself mirroring the Israeli delight.
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